Saturday, January 14, 2012

Joseph's Prayer

For those of you who are regular readers of my blog, you know that I have an 18 year old son named Joe. He works two jobs and attends the community college. Due to choices he makes in his life, he lives on his own rather than living here at home. Although difficult for a parent, the things he is learning by being responsible for himself are invaluable. I hope that one day he makes good choices and is able to move home.

About a week ago today I had an incredible experience with him that I would like to share. This story shows how the Lord will help us teach our children if we are willing to listen. I thank God for experiences like this.

Over a several day period, Joe was having trouble with his car starting. It started sometimes, and other times it wouldn’t. At first it seemed to be a problem with the battery, since it would start if we jumped it, but as time went on it became evident that the starter motor was going bad. I encouraged Joe to take it and get it fixed before he got stranded somewhere, but ultimately that is what happened. Last Friday he had to leave it in a parking lot until I had the time to help him.

On Saturday morning we went out early to attempt to get it started. It had snowed several inches overnight to complicate issues a little. At this point we were not quite sure if the problem was with the battery or the starter so we bought a new battery before going. When we arrived at the car we tried multiple things to get it started. We tried jumping it first, then we tried the new battery but nothing seemed to work. It simply wouldn’t start.

After about 30 minutes I asked Joe to come in the car with me so we could say a prayer. We weren’t asking for the car to be miraculously repaired, we were simply asking for it to start one last time so we could take it to be repaired. I offered a simple but heartfelt prayer. Afterward, I felt 100% confident that it would start. I thought to myself what a wonderful experience this would be for Joe if it started. I was full of faith. After the prayer I tried it again and it simply wouldn’t start.

Joe got out of his car (where we had prayed) since it was cold and went and sat in mine. I was shocked that the car hadn’t started. I was certain it was going to and yet it didn’t. I silently offered another prayer and reasoned a bit with the Lord. “Heavenly Father, why isn’t it starting? What am I missing?” After asking these questions I sat quietly for a few moments and listened for an answer. The answer came in a very loving manner. “Scott, you already know that I will answer your prayers. Does Joe know that I will answer his?”

I stepped out of Joe’s car and went in mine where Joe was warming up. “Joe, I think you need to pray about this one.” He replied “I don’t want to pray, I don’t even know what to ask.” This response still shocks me; he grew up in a family that prayed nearly every day together. He had heard, and offered thousands of prayers in his lifetime. At this point, however, he didn’t know what to ask for. I asked him “what is it that we want?” He replied “we want the car to start.” “Then that is what you should ask for” I replied.

Joe offered a simple but to the point prayer “Heavenly Father, Please bless my dad and I that the car will start so we can go get it fixed, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.” I then said “Joe, now go start your car.” Joe went to his car, and in a couple of attempts it started.

I got out and unhooked the jumper cables, put the tools away, and closed the hoods of the cars. Joe sat silently in his car. I went and sat next to him. “Joe, you can’t deny this one” I said. “I know” he replied. I then explained to him how I had been prompted to ask him to pray. He sat silently. I said “We owe Heavenly Father a prayer of thanks for this one.” I offered it and went back to my car.

The next couple of minutes I sat in my car and wept. I was so grateful that Heavenly Father would love me so much as to give me such an amazing teaching opportunity for my drifting son. I was overwhelmed with love and appreciation for him. Over and over in my mind went the thoughts “my God is a good God, my God is a powerful God, my God is a great God.” Oh how I love Him.

This important lesson teaches me that Heavenly Father really is in charge. He loves us and will help us in all we do if we will simply turn to him… and listen.

I have a painting hanging in my living room of the Savior calming the sea. It is a painting by Walter Rane titled “Master the Tempest is Raging.” I bought it after a very powerful experience I had in the Salt Lake temple while viewing it there one day.

In the midst of the trouble I was having with my two sons, ad when Matt was in the middle of his treatment at Turnabout, I was in the Salt Lake Temple. In the entrance to the Men’s locker room hangs this wonderful painting. It depicts the small ship being tossed by the sea. Each of the disciples is in various forms of panic. One disciple is clenching tightly to a rope that is tied to the sail. He has his teeth gritted and is pulling with all his might. At the same time, the Savior is standing in the front of the boat very calmly with His hand outstretched.

As I stood in the temple that morning, the eyes of my understanding were opened and I suddenly saw myself in this painting. I was grasping on to the rope (my sons) as tightly as I could. I somehow felt that if I was strong enough, or good enough, or held on tight enough, I could save my two sons, just as this disciple thought he could save the boat. The Savior on the other hand didn’t need to use any physical strength at all; without holding tightly to anything, spoke the words “peace be still” and the elements obeyed. As I stood in the temple that morning, the Spirit whispered to me “Scott, let go of the rope and trust me.” I soon realized that my sons have a Savior… and it isn’t me!

I bought a copy of this painting and display it prominently in my home to remind me to let go and to trust the Savior.

I end this post with the scripture found in Mark 4:

37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.
38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?
39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?
41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?

Each of us encounter “great storms” in our lives. How many of us turn to the arm of the flesh to calm the storm? The words found here “Why are ye so fearful? How is it ye have no faith?” give me great comfort at times when I feel afraid. May we all learn to let go of the rope and trust the Lord!


  1. Scott,
    I liked the story of your son and your thoughts and experience with painting. These incidences in our life may seem small, but are actually quite powerful. It reminds me of the words of the Brother of Jared in Ether 3:5 "Behold, O Lord,...We know that thou art able to show forth great power, which looks small unto the understanding of men."


  2. Brother Webb, I just want you to know how much this post touched my heart. I don't know if I ever told you that I married a non-member. He is a good man and we are going on eleven years of marriage and just had our fourth child. I love him with all my heart! However, I struggle with the fact that he still hasn't shown any interest in the gospel. I just knew that within a year or two after getting married he would want to know more and would join the church. I am learning that the Lord is not only refining my husband, but is also still refining me. In February I gave birth (via emergency c-section) to a beautiful baby boy. This little baby had quite the struggle getting into this world. He was 7 weeks early and spent the first seven weeks of his life in a hospital three hours from our home. He was born without a heartbeat, but they were able to get him back. He underwent surgery two days after birth and will have open heart surgery July 13 th. Heavenly Father has used my baby to teach me that He is the one in control. See, I want to control what my husband does, I want him to join the church NOW, but the Lord is teaching me to give it ALL over to him. Our baby is a special little guy. He has Down Syndrome. He has touched our hearts already in amazing ways. Perhaps he will play some role in the future in his daddy's conversion. It all remains to be seen, but I know that I, too, must "let go of the rope." thanks again for your post!
